After being invited to rejoin the Center in January, I shaped the visual look and feel of the characters in the two Intel projects. Both games pushed social change through game infused platforms. Project Based Approaches is a social platform to help teachers understand and be a part of a community that pushes the boundaries of teaching and She Will Connect is an online community and course to help women in Africa learn about technology and how it can assist in shaping their future as a positive tool.
A new branch of E-line Media that was created to continue game infused learning using an intimate studio setting, working on multiple projects hoping to inspire change in both education and communities. Projects span from helping youths gain an introduction to game design mechanics to helping impoverished communities understand the importance of natural resources.
A part of Arizona State University's strive for social change, the Center for Games and Impact specialize in using gamification to help solve problems such as education for kids, environmental awareness, and professional training for graduate student teachers preparing for their first class.